Apple Teacher Qualification

As well as creating a community to share best practice in the use of digital technology, as an Apple Training Centre, we provide support to teachers to attain Apple Teacher status, a professional learning programme designed to support and celebrate teachers. A range of our courses support you in obtaining this internationally recognised qualification and are marked by the code (AT support). Throughout the year you are invited to complete 8 badges on line and we will be hosting a celebration event where you be awarded a certificate for your professional portfolios. Once recognised, you also obtain a digital badge from Apple that you are able to use on your correspondence. For more information please visit:


Here are a few testimonials about how becoming an Apple Teacher has helped raise the standards in the classroom.


Simon Tester

I have enjoyed the process of integrating iPads into my teaching, and been impressed by the range of opportunities they provide in education. 

The majority of the time I use them for effective differentiation activities, both in class and for homework.

They also allow effective, quick and meaningful AfL in class, giving an accurate picture of pupils progress within a lesson, or sequence of lessons, or across different topics. 


Nazeela Shirazi

Acquiring the apple teacher status has enabled me to demonstrate the progress I have made with new technologies. Throughout the year, we have had a number of opportunities to train with experts from JTRS; they have given us invaluable insights into how we can implement new technologies in our classrooms. It is difficult to browse the ample amount of apps available to us, so it is great to have someone guide you towards the ones that will fit your needs in the classroom.

The student’s engagement levels have risen and it is fantastic to see how comfortable and natural it is for them to be using iPad in lessons. Their abilities with new technologies, like us, is being refined every day and they are reaching impressive levels.